Monday, March 2, 2009

My Girlfriend

My Girlfriend
but not really
see she's not really my girlfriend
cause we cant really go out
I really cant believe I'm in this situation
and i can't believe I'm being forced out

See i like this girl....actually I'm falling hard for her
but there's something i like to call parents and I guess they don't approve of me
so we cant technically date.

I like her and i believe she likes me but my feelings feel trumped with the weight that i don't know if i can trust her. Like with Cher most of you don't know the full story behind it but I'm not hear to talk about that. It all boils down to me being insecure about myself and not wanting to be hurt again. Honestly i feel like a girl cause aren't guys supposed to do the hurting, whens the last time your guy friend called you on the phone crying about she left me and how much it hurts.

Anyway i'm afraid im going to be that guy and that i'll be hurt. I'm also afraid i'm coming on too strong and it pushing her off but its so confusing because when i think of her i see the cute little kid she was and still is but i also see what she's grown to be. I'm not saying that it scares me but i dont want to be the victim and have the new her hurt me.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Just Yesterday

Definition of Crazy-having an unusual, unexpected, or random quality, behavior, result, pattern, etc.
Crazy- definition of my friday night.
in a period of about 3 hours my world gets turned upside down.
Like this is crazy. OK so like i get stoned off my ass like crazy i was sooo blown its not even funny. You know how in shows the dude will have a dream and wake up in another dream and shit; thats how stoned i was. I can barely remember what happened.

What i do remember was that i told my friend how i felt about her and that i "loved" her. But its wierd cuase i "like" someone else. In a completly different way like i dont really love Daniella that was the weed, but i do think she's a cool person. I'm totally cool if we just stay friends. On the other side is Lauren who i can't be in love with only because i dont know her well enough.Truthfully though i was instantly attracted to her the moment i met her. The downside is my friend also likes her and he wants to compete for her. The only reason i have a problem with that is that girls aren't trophies to fight and compete over.

Anyway. I only remember some things like the tree's jumping out in front of me. Talking to Daniella about my Lauren problem and about my feelings for her. I remember thinking that Lauren said she wants Yates which got me all emotional. My wishing Daniella and JJ a good marrige and beautiful kids. Wierd ass shit. I remember i was on Lauren and JJ pulled my off pretty much telling me not to act like Treyvion. JJ and Daniella having a conversation ignoring me cause i was being a emotional stoner. Omg I have no idea what happened that night. Oh i do remember sumthing about my headphones and freaking trying to find a knot in Lauren's hair idk if that really happened of if i was dreaming.

Seriously i dont ever wanna be that high ever again.
I love my friends
They're more than i could ever ask for.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

People On My Nerves, Get Off My Back

if i'm offending you by talking the way i talk then bitch walk the fuck away and get outa my conversation
or if u wanna stay the stfu and stop bothering me about ur insecurities you self-righteous bitch..
and notice how its only bitches that get mad when u say the word nigga not ever has a nigga gone up to me and said "you should stop saying nigga".
i will however try to cut down on saying bitch around females.

About Me

I'm more complex than 1,200 character's. You want to know me? Here I am!

I'm not the kind of guy that would get into your pants and then leave you hurt.

I'm the kind of guy who's ready to fuck up your x-boyfriend for doing that to you.

I'm the kind of guy who believes chivalry isn't dead yet and if it is then I'll sure as hell try to revive it.

I'm a true romantic but i try to tone it down since its not the 17th century anymore.

For those of you that need a modern day example I'm sorta like Edward in a sense.

I don't care what you heard about me cause you don't really know me.

If all you do is listen to your friends and let them control your life don't bother with me, I need to talk to someone who has individual thoughts, someone who is their own person.

I don't need to be accepted by you cause I've been alone for a long time.

And don't tell me what other people say cause if they weren't scared they'd say it to my face.

Misery and tragedy rule my life so if you see me trying to have some fun in my life don't fucking
ruin it for me.

I do what i enjoy doing.

So if you don't like it fuck off.

And don't fucking judge me if you see me doing something weird or strange don't go starting freaking rumors about that shit cause you don't know the motives behind my actions.

I talk slang, proper, loudly, anyway it suits me.

Don't get on me about saying bitch and hoe and nigga to much I'll say what i want.

If you don't wanna hear it get the fuck out of my conversation.

I often write poetry to express my emotions towards a subject or topic in a positive manor.

I free style rap, I'll write songs from time to time and i also dabble in spoken word poetry.

So that's as much as I'm going to tell you but if you want to know more feel free to find out.

Trust me i don't bite.